Review Request

Screen Shot 2016-03-02 at 1.47.04 PMTo Bookish Peeps Everywhere,

I love it when authors and publishers ask me to review their books, so if that is YOU…then bring it on. I am a happy girl when I get to experience new literature before or with the masses and if I can help promote an author or novel that I like, I am even happier. It is an honor when people look for my thoughts, so…with all that in mind…here is the formal mumbo jumbo you need to know to get the ball rolling!   – Happy writing!   Misty

To Authors/Publishers:

A request for review is really quite simple. Shoot me an email: (be sure to list not only the title of the novel but a brief description as well.) I am open to all genres but reserve the right to deny a request at any time. I am also open to reviewing books whether it is an ARC or already released, and both hard copy or ebook formats are welcome. If you don’t hear back from me within 72 hours of your original correspondence then consider the request denied. (I know, it sounds incredibly rude of me to not email you back with a “Thanks, I’ll pass” but if I did that for every email I would spend all day strapped to my inbox. Please don’t take offense.) Note: it is your responsibility to provide me with a copy of the novel you are requesting me to review. I get a multitude of review request a day and if I had to pay for every novel I was requested to read I would be broke.  


I receive  20+ request a day so my TBR is LONG. Which means…if I agree to review your book it could take 1 month or 3 before I  have a completed review ready to be posted. I will, of course, email the author or publisher with a confirmed date of the completed review. Please keep in mind that the review will be posted in a number of locations including but not limited to, kindleobsessed Amazon Kindle Blog, Kindleobsessed Facebook Fan Page, Kindleobsessed Twitter, and Goodreads.


I review all books using a 5 point star rating. This rating is based on plot, characters, ending, writing style, entertainment, and originality. My reviews are my own thoughts on the book and will not be influenced by emails, donations, or other outside sources, it’s also very important to understand that I DO NOT placate authors and may at times be a tad bit harsh. (sorry…it’s just a fact of life.)


As a rule, I will not promote the purchase of a book without a review (aka…I’m not going to say “Hey!! Buy this book!)  However, if you want to write a guest post (book/writing/industry related) host a giveaway (in which you supply the prize) or ask me to participate in a book blitz or cover reveal, I’ll be more than happy to take a look.  Just email me your idea and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


I LOVE mail!!! So… if you have some swag you want to give away or want to take the gamble and send me a physical copy of your book to either read or giveaway, feel free to do so.


Keep KindleObsessed Alive!


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