So…it’s been decided. After a much needed (on my part) hiatus (and a conversation with my very good friend JC Phelps) I have decided to fire up the book club again. (Yeah!) For those of you that were hung out to dry a few months ago, I am sooooo very sorry. I was WAY to busy to dedicate the time needed for it, and my volunteer moderators, well…I have no idea what happened. (*sigh*) Anyways, now that I have more free time I feel I am up to the task.
What does this mean?
Well first…. Click on the “Book Club” tab at the top of the screen for more details. Second, find a book you want to read and make a suggestion on the club page.
We will be starting a new book in a few weeks, (after we vote of course) and then we are off. (Reading that is.) I will post questions, (as I read) and of course…encourage you to do the same. So get your tushies moving and lets find something to gripe about!