Judging By Their Covers!

We’re not supposed to do it, but we do it anyways.  We judge books by their covers.  So why not indulge in the beauty of them! Here are 6 book covers that I ADORE and would proudly display on my shelf for no other reason that aesthetics! What are some of YOUR favorites?


We Make Books Look Good!

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About Misty

Your friendly neighborhood narcissist. I'm sarcastic, cynical and a bit cranky. I own a soap box so big that sometimes I have difficulty stepping down off of it, and I'm about 94% certain I have multiple personalities. I don't sleep enough, and I read more than any person should ever consider normal. I have anger management issues, especially when I'm stuck in traffic and I have an unhealthy obsession with my Kindle. I am a vampire lovin', zombie obsessed, book-in-hand, iPod freak. You either love me or hate me. You be the judge.

7 thoughts on “Judging By Their Covers!

  1. I was hoping the books were linked. Did search for The Boy with the Cuckoo Clock Heart. The cover you show is for a Spanish edition and is sooo much better than the English and Kindle edition. I hate when Kindle editions have different bookcovers by the way!

    1. I’m sorry! I usually do link them. I guess I got ahead of myself. 🙁 I’ll fix that. Also… I agree. I get frustrated when the covers are different whether it’s for another country or for the kindle. A good example. Switched by Amanda Hocking. The American (print version) is ok, but the UK version is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Those covers are *gorgeous.* (Just a moment while a wipe the drool from my chin.)

    I actually do not mind the different covers for different countries . . . if only we could choose which cover we want when we decide to buy the book. I’d *love* to get my hands the UK version of Laini Taylor’s The Daughter of Smoke and Bone because the cover is soooo much prettier than the US one.

    1. J-

      Ok…I can get behind that. Create a hundred covers, who cares *shrugs* just let us pick the one we want when we buy it 🙂

      You’re a genius.

      P.S. I loved your post today about the things you don’t do well 🙂

  3. I like the LakeS but can;t say I love all your choice. I do however love Siren and Gravity covers and Eve cover and cover for shatter Me. I’m also reading those.

    Author of Shifter Evolutions saga 1-6
    Best Selling romantic suspense of shifter dystopia

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