Meet Gray Thomas & Katie Kacvinsky!! + Giveaway


Character Interview with Gray Thomas

What do you look for in a person? A sense of humor.

What is the worst mistake of your life? I let someone amazing slip through my fingers. I think I made the right decision for her, but it was a crappy decision for me.

What do you think is important in a relationship? Sex. Lots of incredible sex. Okay, I’m kidding. No I’m not. Seriously, I think compromising is important—just being on the same page with each other. Relationships will never work if you aren’t on a mutual path. I’ve definitely learned that.

What song are you obsessing over right now? This spring I was in a coffee shop meeting with a study group. There was a song playing by Beck. It’s an old song, called Loser.  That song intrigues the hell out of me. The lyrics make NO SENSE. I’m a Beck fan in general, so I did some research, and the lead singer claims that’s the point of the song. It’s not supposed to make sense. They are just random lines meant to get a rise out of people, to surprise them, to entertain them and keep their attention. I think that’s a great metaphor for life in general. And it’s a pretty awesome song.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? Dylan said something to me a few years ago that I’ll never forget. She reminded me to stop taking myself so seriously. She said you need to take life seriously, but not yourself. She’s right. Focusing on yourself is detrimental to your happiness.

Do you think you will play professional baseball? That seems to be my calling. Baseball has always come naturally to me. I like the control on the field, it’s so different from how out of control it is in the real world. The field is my escape. I love being at the pitcher’s mound and staring down a batter. I love the feeling of striking him out. It’s a strange sort of therapy.

If you couldn’t play baseball, what would you do? I don’t know. I’d probably stalk Dylan and see what she’s up to.

What is your strength? I have a really good memory. It’s hard for me to forget anything. Or anyone.

What is your weakness? I have a really good memory. It’s hard for me to forget anything. Or anyone.

If you had to pick a musician to write a soundtrack to your life, who would it be? That’s tough because my mood changes and so does my taste in music. If I’m having a bad day, I would say Eminem. If I’m inspired, then probably The Killers. But I think I would have to go with Ryan Adams.  


Finally, Forever by Katie Kacvinsky


About Finally, Forever

First Comes Love, #3

Publication Date: May 9th, 2014

Add it to your Goodreads shelf / Amazon wishlist

Author’s Note: Can be read as book three of the First Comes Love series, or as a standalone .

College baseball player, Gray Thomas, had to go far out into left field to find a girl like Dylan, the ex-love-of-his-life. More than a year later , literally at a crossroads, they find each other together on a journey that is a pause between a painful past and an uncertain future. In this sexy and offbeat summer read, Gray and Dylan discover that a destination isn’t always a place. More often, it’s a person. Now it’s time for them to finally decide, is this forever?


For news about the series go HERE!! 

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  author photo2About Katie Kacvinsky is pronounced: Kaz-vin-ski Hometown: Wausau, WI Current Dwelling Place: Madison, WI Other Places I’ve Lived: Corvallis, OR, Madison, WI; Los Angeles, CA; Milwaukee, WI; Phoenix, AZ; Redding, CA 5 Favorite MOVIES: Swingers, Terminator, The Matrix, Airplane, The Jerk 5 Favorite BOOKS: The World According to Garp, Fahrenheit 451, Slaughterhouse Five, The Alchemist, Cannery Row 5 Favorite MUSICIANS: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Counting Crows, U2, Bob Dylan, The Killers Best Concert I’ve Ever Seen: U2. I saw them front row at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee. Bono and Edge performed, “In a Little While,” inches from my hands. I could touch their voices. Life doesn’t get much better than that. Favorite Place to Write: In a sitting position, preferably Favorite Sports: Basketball, volleyball, softball, hiking, soccer, running, jumping (Is jumping a sport? It should be.) Favorite Addiction: Traveling Favorite Pastimes: Reading, walking my dog, drinking coffee/wine with friends, people watching and of course, everyday, WRITING Favorite Kinds of People: Funny, eccentric, odd, smart, opinionated, empathetic, soul searching, wandering, highly spirited, extremely imperfect Least favorite Kinds of People: The ones that never imagine, that never take risks, never mess up, or that take themselves too seriously. Also, people who are impeccably clean make me very uncomfortable. I’m a chronic slob. What I Lack: Logic What I Excel At: Being overly emotional Most Often Consumed Food: Things topped with cheese, containing cheese, or things dipped in melted cheese My Greatest Fear: I might one day grow up and act my age My Greatest Failure: Dropped out of college when I was 19 to enroll in the night life of Los Angeles Most Random Job: Feeding baby calves on a dairy farm in Wisconsin Best Job: Other than writing, working at The Comedy Store (a stand-up comedy club on Sunset Boulevard where I was paid to laugh) College Degree: Science Journalism with a minor in Business from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I also received my teaching certificate and taught high school English. My Utopia: Bayfield, WI My Dystopia: Huge department stores—I’m easily over stimulated My Greatest Dream: Realized!! Writing for an audience. What Do I Hate: My cell phone. I constantly lose it and I rarely call people back. What(Who) Do I Love: My husband. He is tall (essential) and brilliant (very essential) and funny (extremely essential). He is a fish scientist and I love hearing about his research even though the terminology goes over my head. I love my son, Kaleb, because he’s hilarious and my daughter, Sydney, because it’s hard to ever complain when I see her smile. I also love bacon. And dark beers. The First Book I Ever Wrote: Was in third grade. It was titled: “The Book of Swear Words,” where I wrote down every curse word I could think of, along with a carefully crafted definition. I showed it to my teacher, beaming with pride. He sent me to the principal’s office and called my parents into school. I was banned from the playground for two weeks and my book was destroyed. It obviously didn’t kill my writing ambitions. Stalk Her: Website / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads  

The Giveaway!!

About Misty

Your friendly neighborhood narcissist. I'm sarcastic, cynical and a bit cranky. I own a soap box so big that sometimes I have difficulty stepping down off of it, and I'm about 94% certain I have multiple personalities. I don't sleep enough, and I read more than any person should ever consider normal. I have anger management issues, especially when I'm stuck in traffic and I have an unhealthy obsession with my Kindle. I am a vampire lovin', zombie obsessed, book-in-hand, iPod freak. You either love me or hate me. You be the judge.

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