It’s not all that uncommon for books or even video games for that matter (i.e. Resident Evil) to become Blockbuster hits these days, but who would have ever thought the next big thing would be comic books? Now, I’m no newbie to the graphic world (as a matter of fact I have been stalking the Comic Con website since July waiting for the 2011 tickets to go on sale) so “comics to big-screen” doesn’t really shock me, (hello… been there done that, do you need a list?) but what got my attention however is the newly announced “comic to TV” concept. Yep… you heard me. TELEVISION.
In October (Halloween Day to be more exact) AMC has decided to air a new show called “The Walking Dead.” To this I say WAHOOO! Why? Because this is one of my babies. The piece de resistance, the e to my ching, the holy moly buckets of brain matter.
This is a comic series that is fairly new to the game by comparison (2003) but Image Comics knew what they were doing. They created a world (think 28 Days later if you need a visual reference) added a very lovable/hateable character named Rick, and then added a dash (ok maybe a couple of gallons) of brain hungry, anti-humans with severe anger management issues (that’s code for Zombies… just in-case you didn’t catch that) So what does this mean for you? Well it means that once a week you get to enjoy what comic book junkies have been enjoying for years now….some good ‘ole brain eating.
Here is a look at both the Comic Series and the Trailer for the TV series… just so you can get as hyped as me.
Happy Reading my fellow Kindle-ites and remember: you don’t have to be the fastest person around to escape a Zombie attack, you just have to be skilled enough to trip the people around you without busting it yourself.
AMC Trailer
I LOVE Zombies!! I can’t wait!!