Talkin’ Trailers!

A few years ago Book Trailers were an after thought… something that publishing houses would throw together in some thinly veiled attempt to promote a book that wasn’t getting much notice. Since then, things have changed. Book trailers are the norm instead of the exception, and with good reason.  They work.  Just like movie trailers can entice you to get off your duff and see a movie, book trailers can lure you into the written word. Now.. all that said, I have been hitting nationally published books a little hard in the last 2 weeks (mostly because of my little blogging respite) and in and effort to assure you that I haven’t forgot about my “indie” audience I’ve decided to pick 5 book trailers I think make a great case as to why should fork over your hard earned cash and give them a chance.  Happy…. uh… viewing?


About Misty

Your friendly neighborhood narcissist. I'm sarcastic, cynical and a bit cranky. I own a soap box so big that sometimes I have difficulty stepping down off of it, and I'm about 94% certain I have multiple personalities. I don't sleep enough, and I read more than any person should ever consider normal. I have anger management issues, especially when I'm stuck in traffic and I have an unhealthy obsession with my Kindle. I am a vampire lovin', zombie obsessed, book-in-hand, iPod freak. You either love me or hate me. You be the judge.