Hey guys… I just wanted to drop everyone a quick note and let you know what is going on with me. This week is going to be a little odd as far as the blog is concerned. Yes, I will review books and post some random crap (like always) but I don’t know when. It may be at 4am, it may be at midnight…it’s a toss up. Why? Because I really need to focus on finishing my book. It’s starting to make me a little crazy that I’m getting nothing accomplished and unfortunately…the blog is the reason why. I don’t know if y’all have noticed, but I get a little OCD when it comes to posting content. If it’s up later than 5pm my time… I freak. As a result, I’m loosing tons of creative time. So…I’m going to make my writing a priority for the rest of the week, and fit the blog in when I can. All I ask from you is patience. Things should be back to normal next week. Till then…I’ll see ya when I see ya. <3 Misty

Go Misty Go!! Finish that book. 🙂
You are NEVER gonna get to read it. Your expectations of me are waaaaay to high Tina! 🙂
Take the time you need and good luck in getting it done 🙂 I post mine at very random times, the nice thing about the internet it is open 24 hours a day. Most people stumble upon the post when they find them even if the door greeter already went home.
Too true Kippoe 🙂
I totally understand. Finish that pesky MS! See when you get back….
I felt this same way last January. I *needed* to finish the book, so I set a goal of 10,000 words a week so the first draft would be finished by the end of January. I did it, and it felt SO good to have it done. Happy writing, Misty!