Split Personality Disorder
For those of you that don’t know, my husband is a bit of a computer genius. He can spend hours staring at random dots […]
For those of you that don’t know, my husband is a bit of a computer genius. He can spend hours staring at random dots […]
There is this quote by Andre Gide that says: “A straight path never leads anywhere except to the objective.” Now, I know that this […]
You know that feeling you get when you plop down on the coach, snuggle up with whatever random blanket you found on the floor, […]
I absolutely adore J. Meyers. Besides being a fantastic author (you can read my thoughts on her first book Intangible HERE) she is one of the most […]
A Zombie and Vampire and an Angel walk into a bar. The Zombie says to the bartender…. Oh, forget it. There is no way […]
You know that old saying, “put yourself in their shoes?” Well, I hate that saying. I understand the point of it, (I’m not a complete […]
I’ve always been fascinated by inspiration. Where does it come from? How do you find it? And once you find it… what in God’s name […]
If you have ever had the pleasure of spending time with someone who has post traumatic stress disorder, you understand that there is a very […]
Once upon a time there lived a girl, in a tiny town, with nothing to do. So to pass the time she read. She […]
It’s been a while since I’ve had the pleasure of reading something filled to the brim with action. (Ok, it may not seem like it […]